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Naloxone Resources

Naloxone Distribution Toolkit

The North Carolina Naloxone Distribution Toolkit was created by the North Carolina Division of Public Health’s, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch to guide local health departments, coalitions, and community organizations through the process of implementing a distribution standing order.

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Naloxone Saves Website

In North Carolina, state law allows community organizations to distribute naloxone (see NC General Statute 90-12.7(c1)). In order to distribute naloxone, an organization must first obtain a distribution standing order. Consult the NC Naloxone Distribution Toolkit to learn more about creating a naloxone distribution program.

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NC Naloxone Standing Order Frequently Asked Questions: Pharmacists Guide

Under G.S. 90-12.7, pharmacists licensed by the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy can dispense naloxone without a patient-specific prescription to eligible individuals or organizations pursuant to a statewide standing order, signed by the State Health Director.

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Syringe and Naloxone Access

As of July 2016, North CarolinaOpen PDF allows for the legal establishment of syringe exchange programs. Syringe exchange programs, or SEPs, distribute sterile syringes and other injection supplies and encourage the secure disposal of used syringes to reduce sharing, reuse and public safety risks.

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North Carolina Safer Syringe Initiative

Here you will be able to find information about existing syringe exchange programs in the state, resources for healthcare providers and law enforcement agencies, testing and treatment programs, details about the limited immunity provided under the syringe exchange law, and information for health departments, community-based organizations, and other agencies interested in starting their own exchanges.

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