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U.S. Sees Deadly Drug Overdose Spike During Pandemic
New data from around the U.S. confirms that drug overdoses are spiking during the coronavirus pandemic, rising by roughly 18%.
Measuring Outcomes Associated with
the Ongoing Opioid/Injection Drug Use
This assessment was developed by the Epidemiology Section at the North Carolina Division of Public Health and identified county-level burden and changing distributions of outcomes across North Carolina in response to the ongoing opioid crisis.
Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts
This data visualization presents provisional counts for drug overdose deaths based on a current flow of mortality data in the National Vital Statistics System. Counts for the most recent final annual data are provided for comparison.
Commonly Misused Over-the-Counter Meds
Get Smart About Drugs has put together information regarding the most commonly misused over-the-counter medications by youth and young adults.
Targeting Youth to Prevent Later Substance Use Disorder: An Underutilized Response to the US Opioid Crisis
The evolving US opioid crisis is complex and requires myriad dif-
ferent interventions. These include reducing opioid overprescribing and curtailing the supply of illicit opioids, overdose rescue interventions, and treatment and recovery support services for those with
opioid use disorders.